New year!!!

A new Year, A new....year. yeah, i know, i'm original. That's why you love me.

My family kicked off the New Year with a bang. Quite a few bangs actually, as we had a rock band party with our closest friends...and all their kids. It was a full house. A very full house. 6 adults and 5.5 kids. Between running around after kids, cooking, and doing my little part to masacre the songs on rockband, before I knew it, it was time to kiss my husband and welcome 2009.


My two best friends, the same two who were here when my daughter was born at home by the way, were the invitees, with their husbands and kidlets. CH & SH have two little boys, both cuter than can be and conveniently the same age as my kids. Who doesn't love built in friends! AP, and her new husband CP, have a little boy and another kidlet on the way. AP glows while pregnant, and between her and CH, both model pregnant woman, I felt like evolution gone wrong. i don't glow while pregnant. I vomit. But enough about that. AP's little boy is a year younger than my son, and is such a blast to have around. Boy's got the vocab of a College professor!
My poor daughter, surrounded by all these boys. I tell ya, I felt for her. So many boy cooties! You'd think she'd feel out of place. ha! Not my girl, my girl has got all 4 boys eating out of the palm of her hand! well, maybe just 3, since the youngest was only 5 months old and is only eating "at mom's", but i'm sure once his world expands a bit father he'll fall under her spell.

All of that partying came at a cost though. My poor early bird family was feeling t emidnight hour the next day...

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