What does your 7:58pm look like?

I like 7:58pm. It's a good time of day. My youngest is long in bed and my oldest is trudging up the stairs to brush his teeth and will soon pay a visit to Mr. Sandman. If I've planned it right, I've got a cold beer or a chilled glass of white wine in my right hand and the TV remote in my left, with my butt mere inches from the divine feel of my leather couch. Ahhh yes, boy do I love 7:58pm.

I also like 2:40 pm. It's a good time of day. I have one or more children visiting Mr. Sandman. If I'm lucky I've got dinner in the crockpot or the ingredients assembled and ready to go. I've got a tidy kitchen and no laundry monster ready to pounce on me....or not, haha, mostly not, who am I trying to kid.

I've also got this

Gorgeous sunlight streaming in my window. It may be the dead of winter, but this makes me happy.

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