No, there is no new baby Dude in the works. Heaven forbid. Oh dear no. ha, not happening. This uterus is closed for bidness. No new ownership deals in the works. Done, finito , thank you but no.
Tonight, i'd like to introduce you to the little brother of puddin' face. He is affectionately known as Ghost cat. Kitty is a bit of a scardy cat, and is a hider by nature. This the name...originality is obviously not one of my strong suits
This little love muffin was found all alone as a kitten, and one look at him and my heart was all his. He may be a scardy cat, running at the smallest drop of a...needle really, but that's only because he's a lover, not a fighter. Kitty wants nothing more in life than to be loved.
Nothing more, except food. Oh good gravy, food. Boy can pack the food in like you would not believe. He is all about the satisfactions of the flesh, this one. He always tries to show you his "ribs" as proof he's so hungry. You know, those ribs that are stowed safely away underneath layers and layers of the chub? ya, those ribs. He can't quite understand why he's not getting the sympathy he deserves. Dude just doesn't get it.
Can you see the ribs?!
He's obviously desperate for some nourishment, his horrible terrible neglectful owners must neeeeever feed him
or so he says
To his credit, who would think to disbelieve this face?
That's how all the good con cats get'cha though. with the face.
But that's ok, i'm willing to shell out a few extra cans of food to keep this kitty happy
After all, there's no price on kitty kuddles
Fashion Friday: Edition winter storm 2025
2 days ago
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