Canadian Eh!

Brrr, it's cold in here, there must be some canucks in the atmosphere!

Not to beat a dead horse or anything, but damn it's cold. This is beyond snot freezing cold. This is beyond frozen tongue on metal pole cold (not that yours truly ever.ever did that. nuh-uh, not me. I would not know from experience that a pot of very hot water fixes that unfortunate adhesive problem. Nope.). This is, well, damn it, this is CANADIAN cold! lol, har har, I so funny.

The problem with this cold is that a few days ago, we had one bright beautiful edge of freezing day, that wrecked havoc on the feet anf feet of accumulated snow. You see, some melted. And then frozen again. Slippery with a capital S. Thank god for strong inner thighs, a welcome leftover form my ballet days, because I've almost yardsaled a good half dozen times. And when you're carrying 17.5 pounds of your most precious cargo, yardsaling just ain't cool 'yo. Right homies? Right? Can I get a wut wut? No? oh. Ok. sorry.


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