We all know of my love for Butt Ruffles. Yet there is one thing that is even better than a ruffled butt. And that, my dears, is a cute cloth bubble butt
May I present, exhibit A:
Not a single one amongst does not have a smile on ours faces after seeing that. Seriously folks, wouldn't you love to have that embroidered on your underwear? I certainly would, and I am not going to be shy about sayin' it!
I'm a cloth diaper lover. We go way back, me and cloth. I've even had an article published waxing poetics about the virtues of cloth. Like I said, I love them. When I was pregnant with our oldest, I knew I would do cloth diapers. And I did. I even followed in my mother's footsteps, who was doing the hippie thing in the 1970's when it wasn't cool. Of course my kids diapers and the diapers that graced my own pristine rose smelling tushie are miles apart in terms of ease of use, but what hasn't changed in 30 years?!
My love of cloth was reaffirmed this weekend when we faced the possibility of being snow bound at my husband's parents house. They live waaaaay north of civilization. There is nary a Tim Horton's or Shoppers within a 20 minute drive. It's slightly traumatic. Don't worry though, I'll be ok. My new house has a timmies nearby. But I digress...
We had only planned on being gone for the day, so I had obviously only packed a day's worth of "bums" for Miss A. Yet the possiblity of being snowed in didn't faze me one bit. Because, and here is yet another glorious bonus of cloth - I knew a simple washing cycle would give me enough clean bums for the next day! That, m'dears, is not something disposable diapers could ever ever do.
Fashion Friday: Edition winter storm 2025
2 days ago
I love that CD!
That is a seriously cutely clad bum! I wish I had done CD, but it was a no-go with the daycare situation.
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