Butt Ruffles

Butt Ruffles. Yes, you read right, butt ruffles. I love me some butt ruffles. There is just something so unbelievably adorable about little girls with little butt ruffles.

I know, I didn't believe it before either.

But see? I'm not lying!

Maybe it's the whole Mom-of-boy-first thing, trying desperately and unsuccessfully to find cute boy clothes that makes this one item of girl clothing make me go SQUUUUEEEE! and squeeee I do. frequently. In all honestly, every time she wears these pants.

Don't judge, but sometimes I'll do a load of laundry just to wash these pants. And make her wear them when she nurses so I can play with the ruffle. hey, i told you not to judge! Not until you've walked a mile in my shoes.

You moms of boys understand. There is just something about 2+ years of solid boy clothes buying that makes the ability to purchase ruffles that much more gratifying. I didn't know what i was missing when I was just a boy's mom. No clue. And if anything, I would have laughed at it myself. I'm not a girlie girl, i don't know how to put on eyeliner, or work a round brush with a hairdryer (and quite frankly the emotional trauma from the last time I tried that is still with me), so to all of a sudden find my heart going pitter patter about a mere butt ruffle is still a bit shocking. shocking and oh-so-giggle worthy :D

Enjoy yourself some butt ruffle! Sharing is the least I can do to lighten the collective moods

1 comment:

Laura said...

I long for your butt ruffles!