I ran away and joined the circus

It was fabulous. Trapeze artist, clown, juggler, elephants...

oh wait, that's just my three year old. Huh. And the circus was just my half packed house. Huh. Not nearly as fun - all the popcorn and peanut shells on the floor are waiting for ME to clean them up, not some faceless cleaning wonder. That part sucks.

Not that I'm admitting to popcorn and peanuts on my floor.

Cause I'm not

And you can't make me

So there

naner naner


ok then. um...moving on...

Miss A got new teeth!

Hello, Canon? Interested?

I think Girlfriend has decided she's going to join Team Canon, just like her mama. So there Team Nikon! No way you've got a cute spokesperson like this available!

ok, ok, you got me, i didn't take this pictures in the hopes that Miss A would become a model for canon, thus ensuring herself a phat college fund. In reality, giving Miss Thang the camera lens cap is the easiest way to keep her adorable little fingers off my lens! Busted. sorry


I got to spend some time today wandering around Home Depot, and got caught up in the gardening area. I happily daydreamed about all the gloriousness I could plant this summer in my very own soil, in my very own backyard. Flowers, vegetables, FLOWERS! Have I mentioned Flowers?

I love flowers

They make me smile

*sigh* let's have a quiet moment and dream of some flowers, k?

Flexing my creative muscles

I think they are somewhere around here. Maybe.

A few friends and I deided to celebrate the first day of spring last week by taking pictures that represented Spring in our respective global locations. I admit to being fiercely jealous of seeing beautiful flowers and sandy beaches and glorious swimming pools some people got to show off. But I'm sure someone was jealous of my glorious, beautiful, awe-inspiring...mud. And ice. And construction. Yay canadian spring!

Ice ice baby

A true sign of spring - bikes!

Spring = construction season can begin, boo

Nope, no green grass here.

Or here. Lots of ice though, boo

And just had to check, nope, no buds


Soon, soon, we will see spring outside, and not just as a date on the calendar.

It's started - there is no more snow on the ground (weeee!), the temperature goes up into the positives (every once in a while) and we have donned our spring jackets!

Putting away winter jackets has got to be one of the high lights of spring time. After wearing it for 6 months straight, it gets old. Real old. It's so nice to wash it one final time and put it away in storage. Spring jackets are just so happy!

Miss A, in particular, has a pretty sweet spring jacket. My gorgeous girl gets compliments on it all the time.
Which I always find hilarious, because let's face it...I have no fashion sense. How I manage to dress my daughter in such a way as to always get compliments is beyond me. My own clothes are uninspired at the best, and embarrassing at the worst. But we won't go there.

Why I prefer contacts

yeah. uh-huh. Try seeing with those smudges. Cute, yes, annoying, hell yes.

Oh, and do you have any idea how hard it is to take a picture, in focus, when you *aren't* wearing your glasses and have a -8.5 presciption? yeah. I've got da skillz ;)

Food = Faces

My dearest darling little baby girl, who is fast approaching her first birthday, is not a food lover.
This is one of the reasons I question her maternity. Kind of, I mean, I *was* there when she was born (*ahem* obviously, my girlie bits remember it well), and I have numerous eye witnesses to the blessed event, but man, this girl is just SO not like me!
Case in point.

I LOVE pizza crusts. She...does not.

I LOVE spagetti sauce. She...does not.


She's just...weird.

But hey, she can rock this hair do way better than I could ever dream of!

Let's talk about me

This morning, I ran around my house shrieking in fear, disillusionment and pure, unadulterated self pity.

And it wasn't because the dirty dishes had begun to grow things. Or having a stain on my carpet that freakishly resembles John Lennon.

No. It was because I read this:

"And the color for Spring 2009? May we have the envelope: sexy, feminine magenta is the shade you must have. Doo.Ri, Matthew Williamson and Adam Lippes used magenta freely in their collections. And magenta, bless it, flatters nearly every skin tone."

Why, dear lord WHY?! Did we not do enough hot pink in the 1980's?! Did we not learn our lesson?

And why, i beg you, why do red heads always get the shaft? Nobody, especially myself, want to see my pasty butt and red hair wearing ANY form of magenta. You LIE website, you LIE. Magenta, bless it ugly ass self, does not flatter red heads.

Waiting in anticipation

mar 14 104-1, originally uploaded by red_canuck.

Little Boy. Plus Train

Enough said

Isn't he cute?!

All tingly

mar 14 109, originally uploaded by red_canuck.

I adore this picture of my husband.

This picture of my husband makes my insides all tingly and jiggly and liquid warm. And every woman knows that tingly is a good thing.

A new obsession

I admit it, I am obsessed with another TV show. I never claimed to be anything but a TV junkie - I love me some TV. In my defence, I do seem to fall for the off-thebeaten-path kind of shows, and this is no exception.

Ice Road Truckers

Just look at that title people. Ice Road...truckers what the...? yeah, only in Canada man. And only on the History channel!!
The dudes are hardcore man. -40 degree weather, driving on frozen lakes, and all for the diamonds. I think I'm in love.

Alex is my personal favourite.

You can just see he's half crazy, in a northerner crazy as a fox kinda way. Freaking hilarious.

Watch it. Wednesday nights.

And then check out Heli-loggers, Axmen, Cities of the Underworld, Warriors...oh baby, my butt is tingling just thinking about all the good shows on the history channel!

I'm a nerd, aren't I?

i *heart* faces week 10!

Try as I might, I totally could not get an adult picture. For shame. But I did have quite a few kids to choose from, I hate choosing!

If you haven't already checked them out, check em out!


Crazy Train

Mr Man LOVES these balloons!! Loves with a capital L, head over heels, stomach lurching, heart palpitating, toe tingling, finger clenching, love. Who knew that some helium balloons could fulfill his world like none other?

He runs around and around and around dragging these balloons to and fro.

It looks cute.


(there's always a but)

look closer

eeeeeven closer

oh yes they do.
And as much as he loves them, I LOATHE them. Loathe with a capital L, head over heels, stomach lurching, heart palpitating, toe tingling, finger clenching, loathe.

They met a bit of an untimely end.

They are gone now.

I swear I didn't do it.

I like cake

Chocolate cake. with chocolate icing.

The Cherry on top of my week from hell.

Today was suppose to be Mr. Man's big birthday present day, we took him on the train into downtown Toronto, and were then going to have lunch and go to the Hockey Hall of fame. A Newly-Three year old's idea of Heaven. Seriously.

Well...as we get off the train in Toronto and enter Union Station, I notice my left hand. Is empty. Naked. No wedding ring or engagement ring.

Holy Hell I've just lost my most valuable possessions on a random commuter train in the biggest city in Canada. Fuck is an understatement.

We retraced our steps to the platform, train had already left, no rings. We then went to customer service office, and filled a lost and found report, and thankfully because we had sat in the accessible car due to the stroller, we actual knew the carriage number we were in, and they were able to radio the conductor and have them search the train. They took our cell number and told us they'd call if my rings were found.

We decided to continue on to lunch since we were there, the husband's parents had driven downtown to meet us. We went to Shopsy's (for the locals) and had lunch. Seeing as how I'm sick as a dog with a nasty head cold and just getting over the disgusting wrong.in.every.way international stomach bug that has debilitated half of the continent, lunch wasn't as fun as we wanted it to be, but Mr Man seemed to have a blast which is all that matters. He adored being sung to and the candles (again). Kid is obsessed with blowing out candles.

After lunch we head back to Union station, check with customer service and find out they searched the train top to bottom and didn't find my rings (*sob*). We decide to skip the hockey hall of fame and go home, I was exhausted by this point and Husband decides he is coming down with the same above mentioned stomach bug, so we checked the train schedule and got on the next one...

Which happened to be the exact same carriage we took on the way in! Conductor even recognized us. I got to personally search the train, and still came up empty handed. I remembered I had taken a picture with the camera timer of all of us, so I hunt it down and zoom in, to discover that I am ringless in that picture, which was taken before we even left our starting station! The plot thickens.

I am relieved to think my ring isn't somewhere in the gravel at Union Station, but upset thinking someone had picked them up on the train and kept them, or I had lost them in the parking lot packing the kids into the stroller before even getting on the train. Bah.

Searched the station, parking lot and van with no result. Drive home with diminished hope. The last place that was still to be search was thus our house. But how could I have gotten up, gotten ready, out the door, driven an hour to the train station, spent an hour on the train, loaded, unloaded the kids, nurse baby girl 3 times, changed her bum, changed mr man's pants, and everything else, and NOT noticed I wasn't wearing my rings?


I did. I found my rings under our bed. No clue how they got there. I never take these suckers off. Unless I had become so dehydrated from the flu that they fell off my finger in the middle of the night and rolled (?) under our bed.

Who knows. But they are safely back on my finger and I am so happy.

During all of this, my son had a blast on the train, he kept screaming in joy, telling us how he was having "the best day EVA!" and deciding that Henry was pulling our train, and Sir Topenhat was making the announcements and just oh boy - beside himself. We couldn't have come up with a better way to celebrate the munchkins birthday. I took a gazillion pictures, I will try to get them all uploaded tomorrow, right now I am going to go collapse into bed and try not to blow my nose too hard unless I am sitting on the toilet, if.you.know.what.I.mean.


I hope to be back to regular posting now, sitting at the computer is much easier when I can be reasonably assured what is, and is not, a true fart.

I'm so sorry I just shared that.

i *heart* faces week 9!

Creative Crop baby, creative crop. Considering I take about 25% of my photos blind (aka: point, shoot and pray) I was really looking forward to this week's theme!

Of course, wouldn't you know that I think I may just choose a kids photo I just so happened to take today :/ go figure, of all the thousands of photos! lol. Ah well.

If you haven't already checked them out, check em out!



And for kicks, here are the originals. What do you think? Good choice to crop or not?

National Hug Day

That's right, it's National Hug Day.
well, kinda. Just go with me on this one. Reach out and hug someone. That person beside you? Hug 'em. That babe sleeping in bed? Hug 'em. Or...wait till the morning, I don't want to be blamed for awake babies! But tomorrow, hug 'em.

Miss A would like to thank you

la photo

"la photo", as I plan on digitally signing all of the kidlet photos from now on, is a tongue in cheek name that I came up with. "L" is the first letter of my son's name, and "A" is the first letter of my daughter's name. Combined, they just so happen to make "la", which in french translates to "the".

In my quirky sense of humour "la photo" makes me giggle on so many levels it just felt right. So "la photo" was born.

Just in case you were wondering.
I wouldn't want you to be laying in bed at night, sweating in confusion, unable to figure out WHY, dear god WHY i would do such a thing. What does "la photo" mean? Why would red choose it? Why is the sky blue, grass green and why the hell are Maple Leaf tickets so ridiculously expensive? You know, all those pressing questions that head up good ol' google

The Score

Entertainment Centre: 1
Miss A: 0

Poor Miss A logged in her first hand to hand combat with our entertainment centre and came out the loser. Girlfriend was not happy, and has the bloody nose and shiner to prove it. You'll be pleased to hear that her tongue came out intact, so all was not lost.

Her brother, on the other hand, seems to have a new found respect for his younger sibling. "Way to take it like a big boy, sis!"

I think I may have gone wrong somewhere in my teachings....

A little change

A post in one of my favourite blogs got me thinking last night. Betsy posted about how she used an interum trademark on a photo until her new logo was designed. It got me thinking about doing something similar.

Me + thinking? Not a good combination! The smoke set off the fire alarms which was so embarrassing when the firemen showed up. Although...the firemen were super cute. SO cute I might just have to start thinking more often! lol....

But I digress...

Not that my photos are anything at all close to professional, heck, they are just what I call them - mommy dearest pictures. But still, being a mommy means being protective, so there you have it. I'm toying with different watermarks, trying to find something that doesn't take away from the picture, yet isn't easily croppable, so please bear with me while I get myself all organize!
You know, because I don't have anything else to do, what with a pre-op pre-schooler, 2 kids birthday parties to plan in the next month, a house to clean, a house to PACK, diapers, dishes, daydreams...you know, that stuff.

Miss A would like to be the first model of one prototype

Or maybe...

*gasp sputter choke choke *

a whole different name?!

Thoughts? Ideas? New recipes for chocolate cake?

3 years ago

3 years ago, i looked pretty much like this

oh MAN do I look uncomfortable. tired. worn out. At the end of my rope. And I didn't even have any children!
I could sleep through the night!
Have a shower by myself!
Sit in my pajamas all day! errr...wait, I sat in my pajamas all day today. huh. well then. go figure.

But really...the last 3 years that my son has been in my life have been amazing. To think that 3 years ago I was all cranky and hermit-y and wanting him out all ready thank.you.very.much. As Mr. Man's birthday approaches I'm getting all nostalgic. I was such a baby. Such a newbie noob. And now i'm a seasoned mommy squared. What a great life :D

But i'll pass on being all tired and worn out and cranky again, thanks.

The Boots

I received a tonne of emails...ok, two...asking about Mr. Man's boots in that previous post. I told him that mommy's "imaginary friends" thought his boots were super cool, and asked him to model them.

He was only too happy to oblige.

Coolest boots eva, eh?

Baby got back!

I'm tired of magazines
Sayin' flat butts are the thing
So, Mamas! (Yeah!) Mamas! (Yeah!)
Has your baby got the butt? (Hell yeah!)
Tell 'em to shake it! (Shake it!) Shake it! (Shake it!)
Shake that healthy butt!
Baby got back!

Thank you Sit Mix-A-Lot. Who know you were a cloth diaperer at heart? Way to go :D

She's got him wrapped up tight

Tight around her little tiny baby fingers. Which is only fair since her world revolves around her daddy-waddy-snuckums.

You know, it's a damn good thing I've got the lactating boobs, otherwise she wouldn't lower herself to even give me, her mother, who birthed her 7lbs 15 oz self, AT HOME, with no pain meds, the time of day.

I mean really. She doesn't look at *my* face like this

maybe my boobs though....

I think we can keep her

For most boys, going 3 days without seeing their little sister would be a very cool treat. A blissful vacation. A heaven sent break from the annoying little squirt who insists on fallowing you around and drooling on all your toys. Err, sorry about the drooling big brother. SO sorry. I'll see you tomorrow ;)

But wait, no, this isn't about me, the poor younger sister, the poor poor ignored youngest child, left to run wild while her older brother gets all.the.attention. No tonly is it not about me, but I also don't have any long lasting issues surrounding being the youngest. Nope, not me.

Now, *my* youngest won't have the same fate. Why? Because not only is she neither ignored or left to run wild, but her older brothe ris quite fond of her.

Quite fond indeed

I think what he missed the most while in the hospital was his sister.

All together now....awe!

If you have a queasy stomach...

I highly recommend you skip this post.

Seriously, I advise you to not look.

Trust me, if you gross out easily, this is not for you.

Did you hear me? Cause like, i ain't paying to de-puke your computer keyboard. No way no how.

ok, seriously? You think you can handle....the puke? truth? the....Stitches?


Mr. Man has his tube out and tomorrow the last of the bandages come off. He is officially in full fledged recovery mode.

And he's using it too, don't you think otherwise. Mr. "I wanna watch my tv shows because you made me go to the hospital" knows how to play his poor dear ol' ma.

(my own attempt at PW's seventies feel. I don't have PS, so it's all old school)

i *heart* faces week 8!

I missed last week. I can't really be upset about that, since, well, I was in the hospital with my adorable son, so really. Kinda busy. But I'm baaaack now! From outer space! or the hospital, ya know.

This week....Messy. I have all the traditional first birthday cake smash pictures, eating spaghetti, solids, tuna fish...you name it, it's been on my boy's face. So I tried to find something different. Kinda. SO here's my shot.
The adult one was TOUGH. SO i made do. Not my favourite, but I played around with it to make it...different.

If you haven't already checked them out, check em out!

Messy: kids

Messy: adults