i *heart* faces week 8!

I missed last week. I can't really be upset about that, since, well, I was in the hospital with my adorable son, so really. Kinda busy. But I'm baaaack now! From outer space! or the hospital, ya know.

This week....Messy. I have all the traditional first birthday cake smash pictures, eating spaghetti, solids, tuna fish...you name it, it's been on my boy's face. So I tried to find something different. Kinda. SO here's my shot.
The adult one was TOUGH. SO i made do. Not my favourite, but I played around with it to make it...different.

If you haven't already checked them out, check em out!

Messy: kids

Messy: adults


Lara said...

I love your son's adorable messy face...so cute! I hope everyone's feeling better again.

Susan said...

Love the composition of that shot. He looks pretty happy to be such a mess...and seriously what boy isn't happy to be a mess!

Deb said...

Great photo.

I know what you mean by the classic food shots. I was going to do mud but was to late to enter.I did a post about it anyways.