A little change

A post in one of my favourite blogs got me thinking last night. Betsy posted about how she used an interum trademark on a photo until her new logo was designed. It got me thinking about doing something similar.

Me + thinking? Not a good combination! The smoke set off the fire alarms which was so embarrassing when the firemen showed up. Although...the firemen were super cute. SO cute I might just have to start thinking more often! lol....

But I digress...

Not that my photos are anything at all close to professional, heck, they are just what I call them - mommy dearest pictures. But still, being a mommy means being protective, so there you have it. I'm toying with different watermarks, trying to find something that doesn't take away from the picture, yet isn't easily croppable, so please bear with me while I get myself all organize!
You know, because I don't have anything else to do, what with a pre-op pre-schooler, 2 kids birthday parties to plan in the next month, a house to clean, a house to PACK, diapers, dishes, daydreams...you know, that stuff.

Miss A would like to be the first model of one prototype

Or maybe...

*gasp sputter choke choke *

a whole different name?!

Thoughts? Ideas? New recipes for chocolate cake?

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