Don't tell her I showed you this

Miss A is going to kill me when she's older. The pictures I have of her wee little butt, of her being born, of her breastfeeding - you name the embarrassment, i've got at least a half a'dozen pictures to choose from that she will kill me for when she's 16. And 21. And during the slide show at her wedding. She is going to hate me.

But i'm ok with that, because comedy cannot be stopped.

For example, what kind of person would I be if I did not share this hilariosity with the world?

THE TONGUE!!! It's a good thing Gene Simmons can't patent tongue length. We're buying a new house, we can't afford Miss A's legal fees.

And this.

She's Nine months old and still hates food. Girl has a serious milk obsession. But we persevere.

And while we're on food pictures, there is always this gem

Can't you just hear it? "Ewww, moooom!"

Yeah, music to my ears, hehe

I won't even start with the amount of pictures featuring...head to toe to butt PINK! It's rather disturbing.

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