Well I'll be a monkey's Uncle.

Or Aunt. Or maybe cousin. Hmm, how about I just visit the monkeys in the zoo, mkay?

So anyways....

Earlier today between laundry loads, nap times, baths and cleaning the toilets, i discovered that one of my pictures from last week actually won 7th place!

I'm tickled pink! Actually, more like red ;) See, check it out! Me, my name! My picture!! 7th place!

What I think it pretty cool is that amongst all the pictures taken by fancy professionals, fancy cameras and edited with fancy software, my picture is a straight out of the camera un-editing virgin, taken with my way old pentax point and shoot. No, seriously, I'm not pulling your legs, an unedited, old camera picture can still play with the big boys. I'm mighty proud of that! I've since gone over to the dark side to Canon's rebel, but even that's an older EOS. Surprisingly in the world gone photoshop crazy I still don't edit my pictures. But more on that later.

A few people were asking how the heck I took a picture and applied mascara at the same time, and all I can say is thank god for digital pictures because it took about 100 different tries. I basically held the camera by my right ear, held the mascara wand with my left (hence the wedding ring sneak peak) and kept clicking away at the shutter, adjusting the angle as I went. The only settings I could control on the camera was putting it to no flash and macro setting.

Here's a zoomed out version, one of the 100-something tries before I hit gold.

So there you have it! An amateur picture, with an amateur camera, with amateur props...making me proud. YAY!

Now...anyone have a pin to prick my head to return to normal size? I've got to go to bed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Congratulations! I have a regular point and soot too, but it does have a few manual settings. I can't wait for the day I can have a real camera. This picture is really cool.