best friends

best friends, originally uploaded by red_canuck.

They've come a long way baby. These two, my son being on the right, and his best friend forever, Boo, on the left, have know each other since the beginning of time.

No, seriously, literally the moment sperm met egg.

Or at least pee met stick and those double lines showed up.

You see, Boo's mom, Nat, just so happens to my other blonde bombshell best friend.

The two of them met within hours of Boo's birth. I hate Nat for looking so fabulous mere hours after pushing an 8 pound person out her unmentionables. But she knows that, so it's ok. Right Nat? RIGHT? right.

Nat is the best friend who was there with me through our struggles to get, and stay, pregnant before our son. She was the first person I called when my son was born. She was there when my daughter was born!!

Not to mention she was the very first person I called when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, even before I told my husband! But shhhhh, we won't tell him that, ok? good. thanks.

She knows more about me that anyone *should* know about me. I don't ever want to cross her man. She knows stuff. And since she is the very talented web designer who put the spiffy new looks together for this blog, she also reads this, so let's all wave and say "Hey sexy blonde best friend!!"
It's ok, i'm secure enough in my own sexuality to call her sexy. I told her she had nice knockers the other day.
dear lord, did I just say that? I'm sorry. I'm sorry Nat!

errr, right.

So anyways....

Like I was saying, our sons are best friends and go way back. As far back as you can when you are an almost three year old and a two and a half year old. They seem to sense they know each other so well. They play together better than any 2 and somethings should play together. They teach each other things that make their mothers scared of the future. They are bound and destined to go to school together, learn to skate, swim, clean, dance, date they darn well better get along! If Nat's and my plans work out, they'll marry sisters so we can get a two for one wedding deal. That would be cool. Anyone with two daughters out there looking for two stud muffins?! Cause they are available! And trainable! Not quite housebroken yet, but we're working on it. And as our new house just happens to be a 3 minute drive from their house, they'll be spending even more time together, so-help-me.

Hey, did you see I wrote new house with out caps and an exclamation mark?! Look at me! yay being normal!

ok, sorry. back to the story.

This past weekend we were at Aj's son's birthday party (you got all that? let me make it simple - Aj, my other blonde bombshell best friend, has a son as well, Little Man, who is the third amigo to these two) He's two. It was a blast.
What I noticed though, and gave my heart lovely patters, was that Mr Man and Boo seemed to stick together at the huge playcenter. I don't think I have a single picture without both of them in it. And it makes my heart happy.

YAY best friends!!


Unknown said...

No worries, I forgive you. I mean I do have nice knockers :)

babymagic said...

lol....LOVE that!!!! :) U really SHOULD write a book. seriously! :)