Taking a moment

All too often it seems I am caught up in the whirl wind of daily needs for my family. I hear feed me! Change me! Play with me! Cuddle with me! Make it better! Make it Stop! Faster! Slower! MORE MORE MORE so much that with that of that swirling around, the most important thing is lost. The simple "I love you". A soft touch in passing. One last kiss before bed, a quick tickle while washing hands.

It seems there's a lot of this

and not enough of this.

That portrait of a new mother, me as a new mother, evokes within me everything that is easy to overlook. The pure joy and wonder at these amazing creatures that have graced my life. The peace and trust they intrinsically hold in me. The promises I made to them when they were born, to love, honour and cherish them.

Today, while my crazy almost-three-year tells me that no, he will NOT sit on his tushie to eat lunch, I will close my eyes and remember those first promises I made him. And then reminisce at how much easier he was to care for before he learnt to say "no". And drink a beer.

Just kidding.

I think.


Christina said...

Thanks for you comments over at my place!!

Your words here speak to me. It's all to easy to get caught up in the frantic pace of life, and forget to slow down and apprecuiate those little moments.

Anonymous said...

This was a post that I so needed to read today. Thank you. You totally made me cry!

babymagic said...

I love ur pic of u holding ur babe. awsome pic. I love it!

also, ur words ring sooo true. it's so easy to get caught up in the demands and the tasks and all that stuff...then sometimes those little important things get lost..like a cuddle or a kiss or something.

thanks for writing that!

Megan said...

This is a lovely post. And you look so pretty in this picture! :-)