We are men...we're men in tights

Manly men, originally uploaded by red_canuck.

TIGHT tights.

Or jeans. You know. Creative liberty and all that. Double bronie bonus points to name that movie!

Isn't there something so intrinsically HOT about men and babies?! I spontaneously ovulate looking at this picture of my husband with Miss A (well, Nat's husband is there too, but since he's, well, her husband, that's kinda like thinking your brother is hot, which is icky. so let's just pretend it's just my husband, k? k. sorry nat. )

He makes me want to do crazy things when he's all in daddy mode. Things like swoon, ovulate, ripe my clothes off and do a little dance and make a little...ya. And since it's -16 out right now, I'd like to keep my clothes on.

My husband. How I love him. Let me count the ways.

First, he puts Miss A on his back and plays guitar hero. and she sleeps. and mommy has two hands free to eat, type, pee...all the good things.

He also takes her with him into the bathroom to shower and get ready in the morning if she wakes up early, letting this night owl cling to my pillow for a few minutes longer. THAT is love right there.

He makes me tea. Hot tea. With just the right amount of milk, and has it ready for me at the bottom of the stairs in the morning. God I love him.

He takes our children out on random errands. Without being asked. Because he thinks it's FUN. yeah. love.

He does dishes. And laundry. AND dirty diaper laundry. L-O-V-E.

He offers me the last coke. And means it. looove.

He cleans the snow and ice off the loser cruiser on his way to work in the morning on the off chance I need to take the kids somewhere. love

He falls asleep on the living room floor every night so that he can be close to me since my night owl tendencies keep me awake and downstairs way after his bedtime. love.

He changes the kitty litter. love

He smacks my butt when he walks by, making me feel all sixteen and pretty again. l.o.v.e

He rocks.


jesvet said...

OMG. That picture with the slings!! I love it!!

Unknown said...

hmmm ... how does one go about getting that cup of tea in the morning. I certainly could use it on most days.

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

Wow.... that's awesome.

Um... I guess teaching them early is the first step huh?

I LOVE those pictures... you all look like such a happy family, what a great group of friends!

babymagic said...

that is serious love right there with the kitty litter, last coke and taking ur babes to do his morning erronds whilst u get to sleep so more...OMG...u are ONE lucky lady!!!! :)