In denial

Mr. Man... is almost three

I am definitely not ready to have a three year old, so let's pretend it's not going to happen for a very very long time, m'kay?


But...there's more. Mr Man's got bit of a hurdle to go before he gets the coveted "birthday cake", the one he has been talking about since last year's birthday. Mr. Man is scheduled for a surgery called a pyeloplasty surgery, which in english means that they need to go in and remove a blockage in the tube that connects his kidney and bladder.

It's in a week and a half.

And I am doing everything in my power to pretend it is not going to happen.

Now that I've explained why for the next week and a half I will NOT be thinking about a certain something happening on the 23rd, here's a picture of a turtle


Don't you just love random pictures of turtles?


Oh, well then here's a picture of Mr. Man in all his winter-y goodness.


Thought so!

1 comment:

Laura said...

That's an ugly ass turtle! Will be thinking lots of good thoughts for the 23rd!!!