A tale of two siblings

april 3 027, originally uploaded by red_canuck.

One of a bagillion outakes I have of my kidlets, this one just makes me giggle. It is SO my kids. Mr Man on the left, being all wild and crazy and will.not.sit.still.to.save.his.life while his sister just chills all relaxed on the right.

We need not mention the food stains on Miss A's shirt, ok? Because the whole "will not eat" thing she's got going on is driving me bonkers! Sure, she'll put the food in her mouth, move it around, slobber all over it...but then out it comes! And let me tell you something, interwebz peeps, slobbered on mushed up food makes a huge ass mess. HUGE. Like a "thank god I'm moving next week and never have to look at this destroyed carpet ever again" huge mess.

Last, but certainly not least, please not how much they look alike. And then please note how much they look like their father. and THEN please note how much the little buggers look NOTHING at all like ME, their mother!! Their home for 9 months, the giver of life, the maker of food, the very reason for their being. Yes, that me.

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