I need your help, o'smart decor ones

This is our new Huge Ass TV

And I don't know what to do with it. *We* don't know what to do with it.

Mount it? or buy a nice sofa table and screw that sucker into it.

Huge Ass TV is, well, huge. And huge = heavy. And heavy = me having nightmares of it smashing into a million useless expensive pieces on my floor. My brilliant idea to simply cut away some drywall and mount the wall mount directly to the wall studs was booed out the front door.

I mean, really, there are many many sticky fingers to touch it all over and do unmentionable things to it. It needs to be safe. Safe, and secure and away from the many small sticky fingers.

well OF COURSE I want it to be safe for them too, D'oh. Obviously man. I mean really.

But see, the problem is my husband, well, his handyman skills are...not proven. New. Unschooled and, well, unskilled. I'm scared. Add to that that my best friend (aka blonde bombshell #1)'s husband is similarily "talented" and you have two men who think they know what they are doing, who get mighty brave when you add beer into the mix.

I'm scared.

They scare me.

SO please, internetz, tell me what to do! Should I, could I, trust them to wall mount my Huge Ass TV?

P.S - Don't be looking at my mess now. I just moved! Cut a woman some slack, eh?

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