Why people with cameras are not invited to many parties

Because we take pictures like this

of our loved ones that they do not ever want to see the light of day.

Wait, maybe it's this one...

yup, that's the one.

When people with cameras are invited to parties, the smart people sit out of range from the lens.
Like Nat. She's a smart one.

She knows I am too lazy to go get the big penis zoom lens, yet I hate clutter, so just avoid pictures like these. Dammit, since when are blonds smart! (I kid, I kid. Honest. haha)

Of course, if you sit *too* close, if means I get random pictures like this:
"This is my eye"

And of course, when you sit right in the sweet spot, I tend to get plenty o' pictures of open mouths. like


or this

and this.

I"m so sorry txt. I call her txt since her thumbs are perma attached to her phone. Love you txt :D

At the end of the night, filled with gossip, husband rants, and sex (or lack thereof) talk, I am thankful for all my friends that keep me sane.

I am also thankful I am not pregnant anymore.

I love you guys!


Anonymous said...

Your friends look like fun! Play nice...

Unknown said...

yeah what she said!

... or I will have this blog pointing to a not so family friendly space on the information super-highway in a matter of nanoseconds :P

Red said...

haha hoho hehe...

errr, ok, i'm a little scared.

I love you nat :D

I'll play nice!