Thinking of something else...

anything else. Anything at all but the fact that my little munchkin Mr. Man goes in for his pre-op appointment tomorrow, which means that Monday's surgery is right around the corner

He'll come through with flying colours, and will be having the nurses and doctors in stitches themselves hours after surgery, I have no doubt. He'll be swinging from the light fixtures by day's end, IV's be damned.

Yet, as his mommy, i'm till worried sick. When I first signed up to be a mommy (or peed on a stick, semantics and all) I had no inkling how my child would be the owner of my heart. I don't live for him - I live because of him.

Cheeky little bugger

1 comment:

Megan said...

Hang in there!!! Everything will be just fine...but still, I know it's hard to watch your little one have to go in for any medical procedure. Here's hoping the next few days fly by so you'll have it over with once and for all.